A Brand New benefit plan

As a Swisscom DevOps Center employee, you can choose from various options to secure your financial future. Brand New Day is here to help you make the right choice. You can find all the info you need on this page, and schedule an appointment with us if you wish.

Plan a date

Want some help with your choice or just a little support with activating your account? Don’t hesitate to book a slot with our information desk. We have plenty of experts to help you at an appropriate time.

Your options

You have two options to upgrade your starting point. So let’s start with that last one.

Savings account
The starting point of your new benefit plan is a defined contribution, which you can put into your savings account at your own bank. However, Brand New Day has two other options to make your (financial) future even more comfortable.
Investment account
For some more growth potential, please consider a free investment account with us. We will invest your money in thousands of stocks and bonds from all over the world. Don’t know the difference between a stock and a bond? Don’t worry, we can explain all of it during a personal call.
Investment Retirement account
With an investment retirement account, you put your money in a blocked account, only to be used when you reach your retirement age. The upside: deposits are tax-deductible, which means you get a refund of your paid income tax.

If you opt for an investment account, your 30% expat arrangement will not impact the benefit program. Of your 4% salary increase, 30% will not be taxed.

If you choose for the investment retirement account, your year space will be calculated on the basis of 70% of your income, your taxable income. If you would like to have more information about the 30% expat arrangement, feel free to plan an appointment with our pension desk.

If you move to another country within the European Union, you can remain a client with Brand New Day. You can keep your account with us and can even make deposits. And we keep investing your money.

If you move to a country outside the European Union, you may be able to remain our client. It depends on the country. In some cases you can remain a client, but cannot deposit any money. In this case you keep your account with us and we keep investing your money. In other cases you can’t remain a client with us. Please make an appointment with our pension desk to discuss your options.

You can remain a client at Brand New Day. As long as you have year space, you can make deposits in your retirement account. Want to know for sure? Get in contact with us!

Make an appointment with our pension desk and we will contact you to set up your benefit plan. You only need to choose for either a savings account, an investment account or a retirement account. Once you know what you want, we can set you up. Of course we’re more than willing to explain to you all about the different accounts, so you can make the best choice.

For Swisscom employees our help is entirely free. Opening an actual account is too, but you may encounter a one-time 45 fee that you have to accept with our general terms and conditions. If that is the case, it will also be mentioned in the default confirmation e-mails from Brand New Day. To be sure: it won’t actually be charged, but is part of our regular onboarding.

When you open an account together with an employee of Brand New Day, we will switch off the costs automatically. No actions needed from you. When you open the account by yourself, please notify us by emailing your new Brand New Day IBAN to [email protected]. We will switch off the costs as soon as we hear from you.

Investing means taking risks

Please consider all those risks before starting investing.

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