Savings retirement account

With our savings retirement account, you set aside money for an additional, personal retirement fund – and possibly qualify for several serious tax benefits. To receive a full Dutch state pension (‘AOW’), you need to have lived and worked in the Netherlands for 50 years before reaching the legal pension age. But even if you’re eligible for AOW, that may not be enough.

Saving for your pension

May sound exciting, but is actually quite boring.

Questions? One of our experts is happy to help you out. Make a phone appointment for whenever suits you.


This page was created for commercial objectives only and does not contain all the necessary information.

For more information, please read other pages on our website or schedule a phone appointment with our information service desk, free of charge.

Please be aware that – other than this page and whenever you contact our friendly customer service – all our communication is in Dutch. If you anticipate that being a problem for you, we are probably not a good fit.

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